“Our Safety, Our Responsibility: Building a Safer Tomorrow”

My priority is the safety and well-being of our community. Together, we can reduce gun violence, improve our quality of life, and ensure that our neighborhoods are secure for everyone.



The Plan

As the 201st Legislative District’s next State Representative, Johnny will author legislation that sends a clear message that gun violence has no place in the Commonwealth and the City of Philadelphia. He will re-introduce legislation to ban the sale of assault weapons and get high-capacity magazines and ghost guns off of our streets. He will also close lethal loopholes that repeatedly allow firearms to get into the hands of dangerous individuals. Johnny will treat gun violence as the public health crisis it is and work to deploy evidence-based solutions to save lives.

The Work Ahead

  • Ban the sale of assault weapons, and get high-capacity magazines, and “ghost guns” off our streets.
  • Strengthen Pennsylvania’s background check law to include all firearm transfers.
  • Disarm hate by preventing people who have committed hate crimes from owning firearms.
  • Prohibit open carry of firearms in certain public spaces and give localities the flexibility to ban open carry more broadly when there are credible public safety threats.
We need to make great strides in combating gun violence and strengthen Pennsylvania’s laws, now is the time to boldly confront and end this epidemic once and for all. I have never been afraid to stand up to the NRA or the Ammunition Manufacturers, and that won’t change now.